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Oblivion and wonder


2022 2024

Special moment in our family's life.

Oublie et émerveillement is based on an intimate poem about a very special moment in our family's life.
In my approach, I didn't want to do documentary research, but I wanted to integrate poetry and the sensations felt in the face of this trial of life.

It's a project I've been working on for the last year and a half, based on my ecosystem of my family and its roots.
How did I get through this difficult and shattering time? Joy remains and wonder is present in the little things of life despite?

The question of death also arises more quickly for us. I experience a form of anticipatory mourning known as «white mourning», the loss and change of Isabelle’s identity.
We also share moments of uncertainty, repetition, stress, appeasement and detachment, leading us to a purer, more focused on the essential.
The past gradually fades away, and we live more and more in the moment.
Isabelle is happy, laughs and takes life in her stride. She has new interests: mandala, singing. She’s rediscovering the pleasures of childhood, yet she’s no longer a child.
We find other spaces for pleasure and exchange. A new life begins for us. Life isn’t just about forgetting, it’s also brightened by small moments of joy.
Oblivion and wonder mingle.

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