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Les empêcheurs de tourner en rond

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This work is inspired by the work of Bruno Latour, who poses the question: how can the arts help us respond to the political and climate crisis?
It's worth pondering this excerpt-Where am I? - Leçons du confinement à l'usage des terrestres - Les empêcheurs de penser en rond (From chapter 13)
"By forcing us to move forward, by dreaming of becoming post-humans, by imagining that we're going to live "like gods", don't you see that you're depriving us of the only power of reorientation there is: to grope, to try, to revisit our failures, to explore?"
Following Bruno Latour's narrative, there are several stages in this work:
In the first stage, we become post-humans trapped in a world of consumerism: idealization, ideology, we want to live "like gods", mastering our environment and controlling it.
A new period is upon us, one that should prevent us from going round in circles, as we take on board the complexity of our exchanges: these are the last images, of fluidity, of fuzziness, of encounters with natural and cosmic elements.

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